I just ran across a lot of information about "religious discrimination". Now I feel inspired to do a Blog on this stuff, so for the next however long it takes, this is what this page is going to be about. This information is backed up by some pretty impressive references to documents from various government departments, so we can assume that it is for real.
Talks about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Seems that this 'Act' prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals because of their religion. That means whether they (employers) are hiring, firing or whatever.
Title VII covers employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local goverments.
Oh yeah, and it also applies (ha, ha, ha) to employment agencies and to labor organizations as well as the feds.
So, what am I saying here?
Simply this. As an employee, you can't be forced to participate--or not participate---in a religious acitvity.
Deep huh.
There's more. I'm out of time. Bye for now.